弊社では本日より、将来日本で働きたい方や『日本に強い思い入れを持っている方々』をバックアップをさせて頂くような新サービス「Japan Career Talk」を開始致しました。
It is our great pleasure to announce that we, Solver Network Co., Ltd., start a new service to support those who are interested in working in Japan for the future and “people who have strong feelings for Japan”.
新サービス「Japan Career Talk」をご利用いただくことで、ガイド(アドバイザー)が企業の採用担当者の場合には、採用情報を直接問い合わせることもできるため、有効な求職活動を行うことが出来ます。また、希望する経歴や専門性をもつガイドから就職や転職活動のノウハウなどを直接聞くことができるほか、希望する業界情報の収集やキャリアコンサルティングが受けられます。これらの会話は、無料通話ソフトSKYPEを利用します。
The new service “Japan Career Talk” gives you chances to ask Guides in companies for the job details directly, if the Guide(adviser) is working in HR division. It must be helpful to find a suitable job. In addition, you can hear the know-how of the job hunting activity directly from guides with expecting future career and expertise you want. Also you can collect industrial information and take the career counseling.. These conversations use a free call software SKYPE.
Advice is also available in languages other than Japanese. In addition, by talking with guides in Japanese, you can check your command of Japanese on business. It will also support individual language lessons. You can provide the feedback, the advice the next time you want and your word of mouth after the conversation.
月会費などの登録料は無料で、下記のリンクからアクセスし、Japan Careerにご登録のEmailアドレスと同じアドレスで『Japan Career Talk』にご登録頂いた方に、サービス開始のキャンペーンとして合計で1000ポイントを無料で差し上げますので、ぜひご登録を宜しくお願い致します。
No registration fee is charged. We will offer you Total 1000 Points for free as the new service launch campaign, if you could click the link below and sign up “Japan Career Talk” with the same email address as Japan Career.
Japan Career Talk Sign-up: https://www.japan-careertalk.jp/WTE/reg.cgi
Japan Career: http://www.japan-career.jp
<Sample Video>
You can see the sample video by clicking the link below for the Talk between a Guide(recruiter in a company) and a User(candidate).
Thank you.
【For more information about the new service】
Solver Network Co., Ltd.
TEL:03-6276-2371 / FAX:03-6276-2381